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Contact Me

Please note that I am not usually able to respond to general questions about Locomotion, due to a lack of a time. You are much more likely to get a useful response if you post in the Locomotion section of the forums. Comments on the site itself are more likely to receive a timely response.

You can contact me in the following ways:

E-mail: owen [at] owenrudge [dot] net
MSN Messenger: owen [at] owenrudge [dot] net
Skype: orudge

I do have ICQ, AIM and Yahoo Messenger accounts too, but I've not logged into them in a long time, so if you happen to still have those details, you'd be better off trying to contact me via another method.

You can also get in touch with me by leaving a message in the guestbook, on The Transport Tycoon Forums (my username is orudge), on IRC (OFTC, channel #tycoon) or by filling in the form below. Please note that I am very busy at the moment so you may not receive an immediate reply.

Your Name:
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Your Message:

Rudge HQ

Copyright © Owen Rudge 1999-2024. Portions copyright © Stephen Brandwood 2004-2005. All Rights Reserved. Hosted by Zernebok.